Key Speakers

Prof. Dr. Dan M. Frangopol

Este titularul inaugural al Catedrei Fazlur R. Khan de Inginerie Structurală și Arhitectură la Universitatea Lehigh. El este recunoscut la nivel mondial pentru contribuțiile sale semnificative în domeniul ingineriei structurale.

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Dr. ing. dipl.-Wirt Peter Nawrotzki

“Seismic Response Modification Devices – Some Strategies & Applications”

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Mai multe informatii in curand

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Prof. Dr. Dan M. Frangopol

PhD . Dan M. Frangopol is the inaugural holder of the Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture at Lehigh University. He is widely recognized for his contributions in the field of structural engineering.

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Dr. Peter Nawrotzki

GERB Vibration Control Systems, Berlin, Senior Director & Adviser. Main topics today: Seismic Protection Strategies, Power Plant Applications

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Prof. Dr. Ing. Daniel Aelenei

Associate Professor in the civil engineering department of the NOVA University in Lisbon, Portugal

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Prof. João Pacheco de Almeida

Professor at the Louvain School of Engineering of the Université catholique de Louvain, in Belgium

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Eng. Will Arnold

Head of Climate Action,  IStructE: The Institution of Structural Engineers,  UK

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About Theme

The wide area of ​​experience that the members of the Association cover is reflected in the diversity and complexity of the themes and projects part of the Conference. This year the theme of the conference is SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT WHAT`S NEW – MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES and among the main points of debate are, but not limited to, concrete structures, wood, metal, constructions in the hybrid system …>>>

About Conference

The AICPS National Conference is the reference event of the Association, being organized annually for over 30 years. At the same time, it has the role of being the largest platform for technical interaction when it comes to topics of interest and current affairs in the entire sphere of the design and execution of structures in Romania.
The broad area of ​​expertise that the members of the Association cover is confirmed by the …>>>

Key Dates

12 december

Registration deadline ABSTRACTS of communications for inclusion in the conference program

15 march

Deadline for sending full ARTICLES communications registered in the conference
download copywriting rules >

15 april

Registration deadline AICPS AWARDS
open rulebook (article 10) >

15 may

Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentations registered in the conference
download PowerPoint template >

27 mai

Registration deadline


June 5 | Welcome Reception | Details soon
June 6 | AICPS Conference, 32 Edition, Day 1 | 8:00 – 18:00
June 6 | Festive Dinner | 20:00
June 7 | AICPS Conference, 32 Edition, Day 2 | 8:00 – 18:00

While we are still working on the detailed program, we invite you

to  find the program from last year’s edition here  …>>>

>350 participants
> 28 partners & sponsors
2 days of Conference
77% of the participants appreciate
the quality of experience exchanges

6 plenary sessions
6 parallel sessions
4 categories of AICPS Awards
88% of the participants
appreciate the technical program

1 session elections for the team to take over the leadership of the AICPS in 2026
( more details … >>>)


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Looking forward meeting you in Iași at the largest technical conference dedicated to structures design and execution in Romania.
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  • Tickets have from two levels of discount from the full price.
  • Purchase your ticket for the two days of conference by May 15th discounted by 20% !


AICSP – Ghidul cumpărătorului

Prezentul ghid se referă la construcțiile noi realizate în conformitate cu normele în vigoare la ora actuală, precum și la cele realizate anterior acestei perioade.

Ingineria structurală în investiții strategice și inovațiile viitorului

În cadrul AICPS credem că este nevoie să vorbim mai mult în spațiul public despre ce fac oamenii din domeniul ingineriei structurale.

Proiectăm o Românie mai sigură și rezilientă

Inginerii proiectanți de structuri au înființat în urmă cu 33 de ani Asociația Inginerilor Constructori Proiectanți de Structuri (AICPS).

Cea de-a 32-a Conferință Națională AICPS |

Conferința inginerilor de structuri care proiectează cu responsabilitate și pasiune și colaborează pentru un mediu construit mai sigur, mai rezilient, mai durabil.

Testimoniale Conferința 2023 (I)

Testimoniale Conferința 2023 (II)


Back in 1990, the representatives of a remarkable group of engineers laid the foundations of what we call today AICPS (Romanian Association of Structural Design Engineers).
The future generations of engineers, constantly invested in developing their mentor’s social and cultural inheritance, and managed to gather almost 1000 active members, making AICPS the largest structural engineering professional community in Romania.
The actions of AICPS, focus in two main directions:
• To promote professional ethics, through the constant interaction between engineers and other professionals, directly involved in the process of ensuring and improving the quality in construction.
• To build a strong community of professionals, through which engineers in Romania could have a voice. We aim to change the way society sees structural engineers, by changing the way structural engineers see themselves. Therefore, by creating an environment in which they can exchange information, share experiences and keep themselves up to date with the latest news and technologies, AICPS trains engineers in the spirit of being proud of the career they’ve chosen. This approach is based on the idea that, once we become aware of the power we have as engineers, to prevent disasters through our designs, people will follow to believe in our power to improve their quality of life.

AICPS Partner Associations:

ORDINUL ARHITECȚILOR DIN ROMÂNIA(Ordinul Arhitecților din România – Filiala Teritorială Iași )





Scientific Partners


Present your products, solutions, technologies and innovations;
Promote your company to hundreds of specialists
Create connections with the most respected leaders in the industry and connect with the academic environment.






Media partners


Comunicat de presa

Beneficiază de tarif redus EARLY BIRD.

Comunicat de presa

Beneficiază de tarif redus EARLY BIRD.

Comunicat de presa

Beneficiază de tarif redus EARLY BIRD.